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Sixth Step, Seventh Step

It’s the new year.

I spent December working on other things in order to read my rough pages with a fresh eye. A few friends were confused about my last post and thought I’d stopped working on TWTHN completely. That’s not the case.

One thing I’ve come to terms with recently is the length of time it’ll take me (as 1 person) to complete the stories I want to tell. I got into a good groove over the summer where I would work on TWTHN roughs during day and writing prep-work on DPC in the evening. I anticipate TWTHN will take anywhere from 1-4 years to finish cleaning up. This depends on how fast I can churn out pages and whether I take on any storyboard gigs in the future. Because of this time-frame I’m going to try and spend my spare time laying down the groundwork for future projects. Hopefully this will speed up the transition when I eventually finish TWTHN and move onto the next big story.

Now that it’s 2019, it’s in my best interest to get TWTHN out as fast as possible. The last round of edits/test pages/colour script/leftover designs will all be handled on the fly as I clean up pages. And aside from some possible colour tweaks and minor art elements, the website is done. I’ll be jumping back to it once I have finished pages ready to post.

The clock is ticking…